Adventures With Glissons
Since so much can happen in a day, we invite you to participate in the life of the Glisson Family...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
After a two month blogging hiatus, we've accumulated lots of fun pictures and stories to share! We'll start with this weekend's festivities - the Music & Molasses Festival at a local park. Although we did not get a picture, the overwhelming favorite activity of Sydney and Abigail was the horse-drawn, covered wagon ride. Coming in at a close second was the very diverse petting zoo that included ducks, a goose, rabbits, a hog, a sheep, a chicken, goats, and a donkey, The girls liked the "Farmer For A Day" area with shucking corn, washing clothes on a washboard, gathering eggs, and milking a goat! That's right, milking a real, live goat - Sydney was happy to just watch, but Abigail jumped right in and received the popular "I milked a goat" sticker.