
Thursday, April 10, 2008

An update and a public service announcement (PSA) from us today. The PSA is a reminder to backup your files from your computer on a regular basis. Our computer crashed last week - I've often heard of this phenomenon but never believed it would happen to me. The computer was rebooting after a very common update download (Itunes), and we had nothing but a black screen and an error message. The computer folks said the "partitions" were bad - I think all of our data is jumbled up in one big pile instead of being in the folders they were previously in - and they said they'd try to retrieve as much as possible. Of course, it will take time and be costly.

We have many pictures, videos, and documents from around Christmas 2006 and before backed up, except for 2005 pictures, and are missing 2007 - present stuff. I'll let you know how it goes...

Sydney and Abigail are so proud of their new silky, nightgowns - they are awfully cute!

Below are some pictures the girls created last night with markers. I thought their different styles of coloring is very interesting - with twins we are able to notice these subtle differences. Any art teacher or personality pseudoscientists out there that can explain these styles to us?


At 7:47 AM, Blogger Christy said...

I've noticed that (the coloring) in Sunday school too...I wonder what that means if anything.

At least you have pics and video in blogger land

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abigail- tidy
Sydney- wild child

That's my very professional opinion.

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Doll-Babies!!! We love you, Girls, and can't wait to spend the weekend with you!
GiGi & Grandy

At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh, where did you get the gowns? Gracie loves that material! She calls it 'scratchy' because she holds part of her gown in her hand when falling asleep and 'scratches' it with her fingernails. It makes my skin crawl but she loves it! Email me if you don't mind...we can never have enough scratchy!


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